4 Tips For Taking Care Of Yourself After Mole Removal
If you have an unsightly or potentially dangerous mole on your body, seeing your physician about having it removed is smart. Not only will it help prevent you from suffering from skin cancer, but it can also help you feel good about your appearance again.
After having the procedure done, however, it is imperative to take good care of yourself and the site of the mole removal treatment to help prevent further complications. Luckily, this process is easy. If you follow these tips, it should be a breeze to take care of your wound site.
1. Keep it Clean
First and most importantly, you are going to need to keep the site of the procedure as clean as possible. A couple of times each day, use a diluted mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water to carefully clean the wound. This will help get rid of any potential bacteria and will help speed up the process of healing. It will also help prevent the treatment site from becoming infected.
2. Use Petroleum Jelly
One affordable and effective option for preventing scars and helping your wound heal is petroleum jelly. After cleaning the site of the mole removal, apply a little bit of petroleum jelly to the area. Along with helping to prevent scarring, it will also be soothing and will help prevent itching and discomfort while your wound is healing.
3. Keep it Covered
Don't fall for the myth that wounds need air to "breathe" instead of being covered. Keeping your wound covered can help protect it from getting dirty and can help along the speeding process. For smaller moles, a small bandage should work just fine. Otherwise, you may need to use medical gauze and medical tape. Your physician should be able to direct you on the proper bandaging process after your treatment.
4. Use a Scar Prevention Gel or Cream
After your wound has finished healing and no longer needs a bandage, you can look into an over-the-counter scar prevention gel or cream. Apply the product according to the package directions, which will usually involve putting it on at least once a day. These creams and gels can help prevent unsightly scarring, and applying them as soon as possible after the wound has healed will help improve your chances of minimizing scarring.
Mole removal is a great way of getting rid of potentially dangerous moles; plus, it can help you feel more self-confident about your appearance. The procedure shouldn't take long, and taking good care of yourself after the mole removal treatment is important to help you heal as well and as quickly as possible. If you follow these tips, you should be able to recover from the mole removal procedure in no time.
For more information, check out clinics such as Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists.