Severe Knee Pain: What You Should Know About Osteoarthritis
Are you frustrated with your knees because it is painful to bend them when you are at work? The problem may stem from a medical condition known as osteoarthritis, which can be treated if you don't mind going through knee replacement surgery. Find out in this article what you should know about osteoarthritis so you can be prepared if you need to undergo treatment.
How Does Osteoarthritis Affect the Knees?
Osteoarthritis is a condition that leads to the bones in your knees rubbing against each other each time that you bend down or walk. The reason for the problem is due to there not being a sufficient amount of cartilage cushioning the joints. Basically, osteoarthritis leads to the cartilage deteriorating. The longer that you go without treatment, the more the cartilage deteriorates.
The worst thing about osteoarthritis is that it can eventually cause your joints to stop moving as they should. If it gets to that point, you may have a difficult time walking for even a short distance. The condition can lead to you needing to support yourself with a cane or get around with a wheelchair.
How is Treating Osteoarthritis Performed by a Surgeon?
Before you are treated for osteoarthritis, an X-ray will be administered so the surgeon can get a good look at the joints and cartilage in your knees. He or she will also have to feel around your knees while applying a small amount of pressure to determine where it is painful. The results of the X-ray and physical examination are what will determine if the surgeon diagnoses you with osteoarthritis.
Treating osteoarthritis will begin with the administration of anesthesia for pain. The surgeon will then proceed by making an incision in your knee to access the damaged joints and remove them. The damaged joints will then be replaced with ones that are artificial and constructed out of metal. However, sometimes plastic artificial joints are used as well. After the artificial joints are in place, your knee will be stitched up to complete the procedure.
After the procedure, the surgeon is likely to write you a prescription for antibiotics to prevent your knee from getting infected. You will also get a prescription for pain medication to make recovery easier to cope with. Don't delay getting in touch with an orthopedic surgeon like those at so he or she can examine your knees to determine if you need treatment for osteoarthritis!