Pain Management For Upper Back And Neck Pain
If you experience frequent upper back and neck pain because of your work or other stresses, your doctor can prescribe a number of non-invasive treatments to reduce the pain. These treatments can be done in the doctor's office or clinic as an outpatient. The goal of these treatments is to reduce your symptoms without resorting to surgery. Here are some of the treatment options your doctor will recommend.
Physical Therapy
The muscles in your upper back and neck can become fatigued when performing the same physical task over and over. The physical therapist will work with you to slowly stretch out tired muscles that have begun to contract and become tense. The therapist will also help you strengthen those muscles so they will be less prone to fatigue. You'll be taught exercises that you can do at work to help keep those muscles flexible.
Massage Therapy
This treatment helps to relax tense muscles and relieve the pain in your back and neck. Swedish massage is one of the techniques used to loosen up tense muscles. Deep tissue massages may also be necessary to relax the large groups of muscles between your back and shoulders. A massage after work may improve your sleep and reduce the amount of pain medication you need to take to be comfortable.
This involves the insertion of tiny needles just below the skin in areas believed to control muscle responses. Acupuncture is used to improve circulation in the muscles and joints, reduce inflammation in your muscles, and relieve tense muscles and pain.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
Small electrodes are placed over tense muscle groups and a small electrical current is sent through them in pulses. These pulses disrupt the nerves that are keeping the muscles tense so the muscles can relax naturally. This is especially effective when you have muscles that are having spasms. The TENS sessions are performed in the doctor's office, but portable units are available that you can use at home.
Cervical Traction
A physical therapist or your doctor may apply traction to your neck and upper back to relieve tense muscles. Manual traction is applied by the therapist pulling on your head slightly and maintaining the tension for several minutes. Mechanical traction uses a machine or weights with your head in a special sling to apply a rhythmic pulling on the muscles. The tension applied to tense muscles causes them to relax and reduce your pain.
For professional massage therapy, contact a company such as Inner Beauty Concepts.