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Menopause: 3 Tips To Help Ease Your Main Symptoms

Most women dread the day that they realize that their hormones are out of whack and that they have begun their menopause journey. This usually occurs to women between 45 and 55 years of age, according to Healthline. With the right circumstances, menopause can be triggered early with one percent of females reaching menopause before they hit 40 years old. Healthline notes that there are several symptoms and complications of menopause. Some of the most common include hot flashes, mood changes and bone mass loss. All three of these symptoms can be extremely unnerving, but it helps if you have a few tricks up your sleeve to help ease them.

For the Hot Flashes:  Start Undergoing Acupuncture.

Hot flashes are probably one of the most frustrating things to experience while you are going through the menopause stage of your life. You're going about your usual business, then all of a sudden you are overcome by heat and sweat. According to WebMD, acupuncture may be able to help curb the hot flashes. It is suggested that this particular method of therapy works by encouraging healthier production of endorphins, which could potentially help stabilize the body's temperature.

For Your Mood: Add More Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet.

During menopause, it is likely that you'll experience some significant mood swings. You may even develop depression. Luckily, Omega-3 fatty acids can help with your mood. One study has shown that it can help reduce depressive symptoms. In addition to helping to stabilize your mood, omega-3s may be able to assist in reducing your hot flashes. Quality sources of Omega-3 fatty acids include seafood, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, eggs and flaxseed.

For Your Bones: Increase Your Intake of Calcium.

Because you are more at risk for losing bone mass and developing osteoporosis, it is important that you maintain good bone health throughout menopause. You can either opt for calcium supplements or increasing the amounts of calcium-rich foods that you eat each day. Foods rich in calcium include collard greens, low-fat plain yogurt, fortified orange juice and fortified almond milk – all of which have at least 300 mg of calcium per serving.

Menopause is something that occurs to all women. While it may not be something you look forward to, it is completely natural. If you experience hot flashes or mood swings and want to limit your risk of developing osteoporosis in the future, the aforementioned tips can help you. For more advice or information about menopause treatments and to help you reduce your risk of future complications, schedule an appointment with your gynecologist. 
