Possible Causes Of Your Constantly Congested Nose
When you are going through life with constant congestion and nasal discomfort, you may find yourself extremely frustrated. After all, nasal congestion not only makes breathing difficult but also makes your face feel full of pressure and swollen, causing headaches and fatigue among other symptoms. If you are tired of being constantly congested, get to know some of the possible causes of your nasal problems. Then, you can work with an ear, nose, and throat specialist to get yourself the treatment you need to feel better.
Nasal Polyps
One of the possible causes of your congestion and discomfort is a condition known as nasal polyps. These are benign (aka non-cancerous) growths in your nasal cavity and passageways that can block or obstruct the flow of air through your nose.
Many people often go their entire lives not knowing that they have nasal polyps. However, if this is the cause of your congestion and discomfort, there are treatment options available. A nasal corticosteroid is one treatment option. You will take this prescription nasal spray daily over a set period of time. The nasal spray should shrink your nasal polyps so that they do not bother you anymore.
However, if you find that the nasal spray is ineffective or that once you stop using the spray, your nasal polyps come back, you can opt for a surgical approach to treatment. Laser surgery is a quick and effective way to remove nasal polyps and reduces the risk of bleeding or complications in comparison to other surgical procedures.
Enlarged Inferior Turbinates
Another potential cause for your perpetual nasal congestion may be enlarged inferior turbinates.The inferior turbinates are small bony projections that protrude from the side of the nose. Their purpose is to make sure the air you breath in and out is humidified and warmed to keep the body safe and at the proper temperature.
If you have inferior turbinates that are malformed or happen to be overly large for some reason, they can obstruct your nasal passages, making you feel like you are always congested and struggling to get air through your nose. Enlarged or malformed inferior turbinates are often addressed surgically through a turbinate reduction surgery (sometimes also called a turbinoplasty).
This surgery involves surgically reducing the size of the inferior turbinates to remove any obstructions to the nasal passages. This can be done as a laser surgery as well. The laser is used to remove extra tissue surrounding the turbinate bone or a portion of the bone itself. Because the laser cauterizes as it goes, the risk of bleeding and infection are far lower than other surgical methods.
For more information, contact Eastern Carolina Ear Nose & Throat-Head or a similar organization.