Is Surgery Necessary For A Spinal Compression Fracture?
Spinal compression fractures are common among women who are postmenopausal. The fractures is often misdiagnosed, which results in delays to treatment. However, once the fracture is properly diagnosed, there are several non-surgical options available. Here are just a few that your doctor might recommend to treat your condition.
Bed Rest
Depending on the severity of the spinal compression fracture, your doctor might order bed rest for a period of time. If the symptoms are severe, you will likely have to spend several days in bed. However, your condition should start to improve after a few days.
At that point, you will need to cut back on your activities until you have fully recovered. Activities, such as heavy exercise, could result in a relapse. How long you have to work on a more relaxed schedule depends on your symptoms.
Your doctor will likely recommend the use of over-the-counter medications to help manage your symptoms at this point. If you do not experience any pain relief, talk to your doctor about a stronger prescription pain reliever.
Physical Therapy
Spinal compression fractures can occur due to a weakening of the bones and bone loss. Physical therapy can be used to help with strengthening your back. With the right program, you could potentially avoid experiencing another fracture in the future.
In therapy, your therapist will focus on exercises that will not only help to strengthen your back, but also increase your mobility and flexibility. Exercises, such as yoga and walking, are encouraged during therapy and beyond.
The exercises are often used in conjunction with a healthy diet. If you are overweight, losing weight can help with easing the pressure that you are feeling from the fracture. It can also prevent future fractures.
Part of helping you to recover is lowering the chances that you will experience another fracture in the future. Your doctor can use certain medications to stop or slow the progression of the bone loss. He or she can also use medication to help rebuild some of the bone that you have lost.
For instance, some synthetic hormones can be taken orally or through injections on a daily basis to help stop bone loss. Bisphosphonates, such as zoledronic acid, can help with rebuilding your bones.
If you are experiencing back pain, talk to your doctor. He or she can determine if you are suffering from a spinal compression fracture and take action to alleviate your symptoms. Early detection and treatment could possibly help you avoid surgery. For more information, visit websites like