Medical Treatment and Autism: Tips For Success

3 Simple Ways To Improve Your Mammogram Experience

Statistics show that one in eight American women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis isn't something that any woman looks forward to, but finding out if you have this disease early in its development could improve your chances of successfully treating breast cancer. Mammograms play an essential role in the early detection of breast cancer, so taking the time to ensure your mammogram is as accurate as possible can be beneficial.

Here are three simple things you can do to help improve your mammogram experience in the future.

1. Make a mammogram part of your birthday celebrations.

Experts suggest that annual mammograms for women over the age of 40 can be the best way to detect subtle changes in breast tissue that could lead to the development of breast cancer. To improve your own mammogram experience, it can be beneficial to include a mammogram in your yearly birthday celebrations.

By linking your mammogram appointment to a major life event (like a birthday), you will be less likely to overlook your appointment. Maintaining annual mammogram appointments gives your doctor access to information that could lead to an early diagnosis, allowing you to receive the treatment you need to overcome breast cancer.

2. Shower before your mammogram, but don't apply deodorant.

While you might feel a little strange about going out in public without applying deodorant, foregoing this part of your morning ritual could help improve the results of your mammogram.

Many deodorants contain metallic particles that can interfere with your mammogram readings. These particles can be mistaken for cancer tissue, causing you to experience the stress and anxiety associated with a false positive screening. By going a day without deodorant when you have a mammogram scheduled, you give your doctor the ability to clearly and accurately assess your breast cancer risk.

3. Avoid scheduling your mammogram during your menstrual cycle.

Many women experience tender breasts as part of their monthly menstrual cycle. Although a mammogram is not designed to cause pain, the procedure does require the manipulation of breast tissue in a diagnostic machine.

If your breasts are already tender, you may experience more discomfort than you normally would during your mammogram. Waiting until your menstrual cycle (and any accompanying breast tenderness) has passed will allow you to feel more at ease during your next mammogram.

Improving your mammogram experiences in the future can be a great way to ensure you are getting the most from these important diagnostic procedures. Visit a clinic like for more information.
