How Acupuncture Can Treat Knee Pain

Knee injuries resulting from skiing, skating, and falling down on the ice are common over the winter. The pain can linger on for many weeks and months. The use of pain medications can dull the senses and make some people feel groggy during the day, and because of this, they would prefer to have an alternative way to manage the pain in the knee. Acupuncture is an alternative to pain medication that has been used for centuries in China and other parts of the world. [Read More]

3 Foods For A Happy Heart

Today most people are aware of the dangers that high-fat and high-cholesterol diets pose for the heart. Unfortunately, healthy eating often seem like a form of punishment. Yet there are still lots of foods that are both yummy and good for your heart. If you are curious to learn more, read on. This article will present three foods that will make your heart--and your mouth--happy. Pomegranate Juice Juice has become a red-flag item for many health-oriented consumers, largely because of the elevated sugar levels found in most juices. [Read More]

Menopause: 3 Tips To Help Ease Your Main Symptoms

Most women dread the day that they realize that their hormones are out of whack and that they have begun their menopause journey. This usually occurs to women between 45 and 55 years of age, according to Healthline. With the right circumstances, menopause can be triggered early with one percent of females reaching menopause before they hit 40 years old. Healthline notes that there are several symptoms and complications of menopause. [Read More]

4 Indications That You Need Glasses

Without proper eyesight, you may find it difficult to participate in your normal daily activities, such as driving or even reading a book. However, most vision abnormalities can be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Still, many people don't receive an annual eye exam and may not realize that they require corrective lenses. Here are a few indications that you may need eyeglasses: Difficulty Reading Small Print If you are unable to read the small print of a book or are constantly enlarging the font of your phone, tablet or computer, you may be suffering from presbyopia. [Read More]