3 Custom Parts For Your Child's Wheelchair

Do you have a child who was recently prescribed to use a wheelchair, either temporarily or permanently? If so, you and your child may be feeling nervous about the child's ability to control the chair. Your child also may have some anxiety about social situations and how his or her friends will react to the chair. The good news is that you and your child may be able to customize the chair to make it safer and more comfortable for your child. [Read More]

3 Myths About Laser Eye Surgery You Can Ignore

What goes on in the operating room can be a mystery to everyone but the highly trained doctors who work there, and any surgery -- from getting tonsils removed to a heart transplant -- has certain myths surrounding it. This is true for corrective vision surgery, which is more commonly known as 'laser eye surgery'. Taking the mystery out of the procedure can help you to be less anxious about your time in the chair -- so if you're looking for some peace of mind about your upcoming surgery, then here are a few myths you can ignore. [Read More]

Managing Osteoarthritis Of The Knees In Young Athletes

When most people think of sports injuries with young athletes, they think of acute problems, like a torn ligament or concussion. However, there are also young athletes in their teens who are being diagnosed with osteoarthritis, a condition formerly associated with older athletes and senior citizens. Here's a look at how sports medicine professionals are managing young patients with osteoarthritis of the knees, the joint that takes the bulk of abuse and impact in almost all sports. [Read More]

Handy Post-Operative Tips After Having Shoulder Surgery

All surgeries tend to be considered a serious matter. For you to make a full recovery, you need to ensure you are taking post-operative steps in the right direction. The key to comfort during this period of healing is staying ahead of your pain. Here are some handy tips regarding various aspects of the post-operative phase of shoulder surgery: Managing your pain When it comes to managing your pain, ensure you take your medication on the exact same day as the surgery. [Read More]