Diagnosing Relationship Paranoia And Moving Past It

Are you constantly worried that your partner is cheating and do you track their behavior in order to catch them? If so, there's a chance your relationship is seriously struggling. And it might be the fault of your relationship paranoia. This problem can quickly destroy a relationship, and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. What Is Relationship Paranoia? Relationship paranoia is the persistent belief that your loved one is hiding something from you or behaving in a malevolent way. [Read More]

Tips For Avoid Ear Damage While Attending Concerts

It's common for people to lose their hearing as they age, but getting hearing aids from a hearing specialist can provide a valuable helping hand for those who have struggled to hear. While the aging process is often associated with hearing loss, it's important that you don't put yourself in jeopardy of increasing your risk of hearing challenges at any age. One place that many people find themselves exposed to extremely loud music is at concerts. [Read More]

3 Simple Ways To Improve Your Mammogram Experience

Statistics show that one in eight American women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis isn't something that any woman looks forward to, but finding out if you have this disease early in its development could improve your chances of successfully treating breast cancer. Mammograms play an essential role in the early detection of breast cancer, so taking the time to ensure your mammogram is as accurate as possible can be beneficial. [Read More]

Understanding Pernicious Anemia: How It Can Affect You

When you go to your primary care physician for mysterious symptoms, there are many conditions that you may fear you are suffering from. However, pernicious anemia may not be one of them.  In fact, it is highly unlikely that, prior to your diagnosis, you had ever heard of pernicious anemia. This little-known ailment may actually be quite a bit more common than many people think or realize. Get to know more about pernicious anemia and how it can affect you so that you can best protect yourself from this health condition as well as get treatment if you do receive a diagnosis. [Read More]