How Rehabilitation Works To Treat Drugs, Alcoholism And Other Addictions

There is no real difference when trying to treat an alcohol, drug or substance addiction.  The same methods are used in figuring out what the patient needs.  It seems a little redundant to prescribe drugs to treat a drug or substance problem, but medications are an important part of the rehab treatment.  Rehabilitation, in addition to other methods of alcohol treatment, can prevent long-term serious problems that may turn fatal.  Since no one form of rehab treatment works for every patient, rehabilitation centers match the programs to each individual's unique issue. [Read More]

3 Things You Should Know About The Dental Crown Recovery

If you have already scheduled your appointment for your dental crown to be put on, it is important to make sure that you are preparing as much as possible for what you will be going through. The more you know, the easier the recovery process will be for you. Also, should you need to go for another dental crown in the future, you will already know what to expect. Take It Easy [Read More]

Could You Be Suffering From Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleeping disorder that affects more than an estimated 18 million Americans. There are multiple types of sleep apnea, but all forms essentially lead to poor sleep quality or a lack of restful sleep. Unfortunately, some people have sleep apnea for years and don't even know it. Could you be suffering from sleep apnea without having realized it? Read on to learn about the common symptoms and risk factors. [Read More]

Understanding Shingles - A Painful Adult Illness That Starts As A Child

As a child, if you got chickenpox, you may have thought that when it was gone you were done with it. Unfortunately, the same virus that caused your chickenpox can cause a painful condition in adult life called shingles. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that nearly 30 percent of adults will get this disease, with their risk increasing as they get older. Learn about the signs of shingles, what to expect and how they are treated. [Read More]