Pain Management For Upper Back And Neck Pain

If you experience frequent upper back and neck pain because of your work or other stresses, your doctor can prescribe a number of non-invasive treatments to reduce the pain. These treatments can be done in the doctor's office or clinic as an outpatient. The goal of these treatments is to reduce your symptoms without resorting to surgery. Here are some of the treatment options your doctor will recommend. Physical Therapy [Read More]

What To Expect From Arthroscopic Repair Of A Torn ACL

A torn anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is a common sports injury. Because of its role in the stability of your knee, repairing it is critical. Traditional knee surgery to open and expose the knee joint creates long recovery times and a higher risk of infection. If your orthopedic doctor has recommended an arthroscopic procedure to repair the torn ACL, you'll be back up on your feet much sooner. Here is what you can expect from this procedure and subsequent recovery. [Read More]

Severe Knee Pain: What You Should Know About Osteoarthritis

Are you frustrated with your knees because it is painful to bend them when you are at work? The problem may stem from a medical condition known as osteoarthritis, which can be treated if you don't mind going through knee replacement surgery. Find out in this article what you should know about osteoarthritis so you can be prepared if you need to undergo treatment. How Does Osteoarthritis Affect the Knees? [Read More]

People Who Need To Get A Yearly Eye Exam Due To Risk Factors

Many people feel that they only need to visit an ophthalmologist if they have trouble seeing things or get an eye injury from sports, an auto accident or other causes. Although many Americans can get an eye exam every one to 3 years without any issues, there are other people who need annual eye exams or visits that are even more frequent. Senior Citizens Who Need Annual Exams If you are 61 years of age or older, getting an annual vision exam is smart. [Read More]