Did You Recently Take Up Hunting? 3 Tips To Prevent Hearing Loss With Ear Plugs

The sound of your firearm going off may give you a thrill, but you should always be aware that gunshots reach unsafe decibel levels that can damage your hearing. Yet, hunters face challenges with hearing protection since you need to be comfortable while out on the range and your ability to hear certain noises is essential for your safety. As you get more into your new favorite sport, use these tips to prevent hearing loss by knowing how to properly use and care for your earplugs for shooting. [Read More]

Keep Your Child Singing Voice Safe From Strep

Many children are blessed with beautiful singing voices at a young age that proud parents should try to encourage as much as possible. Unfortunately, severe strep throat may develop and make it harder for them to sing. It can even cause damage in their throat that may ruin their career. As a result, it is important to take the following advice and visit your family doctor to avoid this danger. [Read More]

3 Ways Doctors Fight Cancer On A Small Scale

Finding out that you have cancer is frightening enough, before you ever start thinking about what the treatment is going to do to you. Fighting cancer has a reputation for being horrible, painful, and exhausting, but doctors and scientists are working to make it better. One of the ways they do this is by going after cancer the way that it starts—on the cellular level. If you're on the verge of fighting cancer, here are three therapies your doctors might use to fight it, while protecting the rest of your healthy cells. [Read More]

3 Tips To Improve Musculoskeletal Health For Women

Although the health of your musculoskeletal system is important for everyone, women are especially vulnerable to bone loss and other complications as they age. Keeping your bones and muscles healthy can mean your musculoskeletal system performs at its best for a lifetime. Start Early It is never too early to focus on your musculoskeletal health, but it may be too late. Women are at higher risk for developing bone density loss as they age, and this can begin as soon as their 30s. [Read More]