When Seeing Isn't Believing: Identifying Visual Perception Problems

Sometimes, a child who successfully passes a vision screening may still have difficulty differentiating certain letters, numbers, shapes and colors. In those cases, the problem isn't the child's vision but visual processing. In most cases, your child's optometrist will diagnose visual processing disorder after evaluating the condition of the eyes and basic vision. There are a few different types of visual processing problems, and understanding each one can help you to identify and work around your child's unique needs. [Read More]

No, Celebrities Are Not Born With Perfect Teeth

Have you ever noticed how flawless your favorite celebrity looks every time you see him or her on television? They flash a smile so perfect you are blinded by it. Despite what you may think, celebrities are not born with flawless pearly white teeth. They had crooked, chipped, stained, and missing teeth just like you do at one point in time. They just went to a cosmetic dentist and got their teeth fixed with crowns, veneers, dental implants, and bridges. [Read More]

Using Vitamins And Minerals To Prevent Hearing Loss

A healthy diet is one of the best ways to quickly improve your hearing. What you eliminate from your diet can contribute to your hearing loss. Hearing loss is never easy to deal with, but by adding more of the vitamins and minerals to your diet that help hearing, you can greatly improve how well you hear: Grab Some Fish Grab some fish for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Fish is rich in omega 3 fats which are crucial to healthy hearing. [Read More]

Suffering From Chronic Pain With No Known Cause? Talk To A Chiropractor About Myofascial Therapy

If you have been suffering with pain in muscles or joints and cannot determine the cause, you may be experiencing myofascial pain syndrome. You are feeling the pain in an area that was not injured or damaged. However, there was, at some point, an injury to a trigger point. A trigger point is a spot that sends signals across a network of fascia that spreads throughout the body to surround every muscle, joint and organ. [Read More]