4 Diseases That Have No Symptoms Until It's Too Late

Many people wait to go to their doctor until they have a symptom or just feel ill. While this will catch most medical problems, there are a few diseases for which there are few or no symptoms until the disease becomes severe. For these, a regular visit to your medical clinic for an exam will rule out any sign of them. Here are the four most serious illnesses that you need to be aware of that rarely show symptoms. [Read More]

Preparing Your Little One For Their First Eye Exam

Most children don't take too kindly to someone poking and prying on them. This is true when it comes to their entire body, but particularly their eyes. The eyes are a sensitive area for anyone, so you can't exactly blame them if they're in protest during their first eye exam. Having your own practice or mock visit at home can help prepare your child. Children often find comfort in things that are familiar. [Read More]

Two Lesser-Known Jobs In The Medical Field That Require Minimal Schooling

When most people think about careers in the medical field, they thing of being nurses, x-ray technicians, doctors and the like. However, there are numerous other jobs in the medical field to consider, and some of them don't even require you to spend countless years in school. If you like the idea of helping others, consider these two careers, each of which requires a different skill set and will allow you to help patients in ways you've probably never thought of before. [Read More]

4 Signs That Show You Might Have Arthritis

If you have been having some trouble with your joints lately, you might find yourself wondering if you actually have arthritis. By taking a look at the following four signs of arthritis, you might have an easier time deciding that it is indeed time to call for an appointment with your family doctor. Extreme Fatigue It is important to remember that fatigue can easily set in when you are not making sure that you are getting plenty of rest each night. [Read More]